
Brooke at Lake One MinnesotaI have had a love of photography since an early age, around nine, when my parents let me use their Kodak 110 camera. Film and developing were expensive, though, and I was nine, so I didn’t get to fulfill my photobug dreams until the digital age when I got a cellphone. I got my first “real” camera, my Nikon D3400, at the age of 52, and I have known true joy ever since.

Aside from being a photographer, I am a Reiki Master. Reiki is using Universal Life Force Energy to heal mentally and physically. My work is loaded with Reiki energy, a positive force for any room or office! Combining these passions, photography and Reiki, gives me an ultimate purpose, and isn’t that something we all need in life?

Brooke Nugent Photography logoI go by instinct rather than rules. And when I get the captures I want, I smile and sometimes gives a little chuckle because I know I’ve got it just right. My wish is to share my love of beauty with the world, one picture at a time. The beauty of a lily with a bumble bee whose legs are full of pollen. The beauty of Lake Michigan beaches and sunsets, Utah’s mountains, Florida’s fauna. The beauty behind laughter caught in digital, a moment forever etched in time. Check out the Gallery to find the beauty that speaks to you.